Art for Social Change (ASC) Web: an online interactive teaching and learning resource for community-engaged participatory arts

Author: Judith Marcuse and Flick Harrison
Date Published:  July, 2019
Published In: an international database for artistic research
Resource Types: ASC Project Video, ASC! Project Knowledge Sharing, Resource Library, Videos

The ASC Web (created by ASC! researchers Judith Marcuse and Flick Harrison), designed for students as well as experienced community-engaged practitioners, provides informative videos of exchanges that touch on key frames: facilitation skills, games and exercises, teaching and learning, working between cultures, questions about arts-based practices and workshops.

The ASC Web was created as a contribution to the large and fast-growing global community of artists whose work addresses issues of social/environmental justice and the wellbeing of communities through processes of community-based, collective artmaking. The videos explore what it means to work in diverse settings, often in partnership with local change organizations, by facilitating art creation that invites people to surface and explore what matters to them — a form of cultural democracy.


ASC Web: an online interactive teaching and learning resource for community-engaged participatory arts



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