International Centre of Art for Social Change

As of Jan. 1, 2024, ICASC/JMP is in hibernation.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As of January 1, 2024, ICASC/JMP is in hibernation after over 40 years of operations. Despite the joys and successes of recent activities, this decision comes because of severe funding challenges. The toll of working in a near-constant state of precarity with access only to short-term, inconsistent resources makes it impossible for us to continue our current programs. We are not alone. According to one study, of some 400 Canadian organizations doing community-engaged arts for social change work, 38% have closed or gone into hibernation over the last few years. 

We are currently working on archiving this website in partnership with Simon Fraser University. This site will remain live over the coming months until we switch over to the archived site at SFU.

Go to our latest newsletter to read a brief statement by our ED, Judith Marcuse, as well as some highlights of our work over the years:

Please avail yourself of the information and many resources in this website, including:

Thanks for your interest in our work and in the many resources we offer here.



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