Options for Community Arts, Training & Support

Author: Intermedia Arts
Date Published:  May 16, 2016
Published In:  Intermedia Arts
Resource Types: Reports

Intermedia Arts, in conjunction with Americans for the Arts / Animating Democracy commissioned this national study of local arts agencies to assess community arts activity and training opportunities. The study was conducted by William Cleveland and the Center for the Study of Art and Community, and the study cohort was comprised of leadership from 423 local arts agencies who had previously indicated their interest and/or involvement in community arts programming in the 2015 Americans for the Arts Local Arts Agency Census.  

The study’s purpose was two-fold: to provide a greater understanding of the demand and availability of arts-based community development training; and to investigate how the benefits of Intermedia Arts' Creative Community Leadership Institute could be made accessible for a broader range of communities.

The study can be downloaded on the Americans for the Hearts website


Options for Community Arts, Training & Support



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